The purpose of ISAA is to encourage and support individuals who undertake independent scholarly work outside the nation's formal institutes of education and research; to promote such scholarship; and to stimulate public debate in Australia. It does so by:
- bringing such individuals together to share interests and expertise
- sponsoring conferences and lectures for both members and the public
- offering informed opinion on matters of public interest and concern
- creating a collective voice on issues affecting the practice of scholarship
- representing the interests of independent scholars in the public arena
- supporting knowledgeable dissent and independent opinion
As an organisation ISAA takes no position on matters of party politics. ISAA supports the right of its members to take an individual stand on matters of public concern but their statements should not be presented as reflecting the view of the Association or other members.
Views expressed in the ISAA Review, Conference Proceedings, articles and newsletters are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the members of the editorial board or those of the members of ISAA.