Lawyer-turned-writer: The exchange of ideas between scholars at ISAA’s national and local forums is invigorating. I was provided with informal opportunities to speak about my work to curious scholars from diverse disciplines.
Historian: As an ex-academic, I value ISAA as a substitute for the interdisciplinary insights of 'corridor chat'. ISSA members tend to be active and engaged, so are a constant inspiration.
Administrator:ISAA is successful because it regularly attracts high profile and authoritative speakers. The importance of interesting and incisive thought is foremost. ISAA brings together people who value investigation of new ideas, and it encourages a collegial approach.
Historian: Independence is crucial in research. ISAA gives independent scholars a voice.
Retired medical practitioner: Being in ISAA is satisfying because members’ interests cover such a broad range of fields.
Scientist:I value my membership of ISAA because of the links it provides to scholars in other fields. These connections help overcome the isolation that independent scholars can experience.
Teacher:ISAA membership provides opportunities to explore and extend my own thinking in a stimulating and supportive environment.
Writer and art historian:ISAA provides an invaluable platform for contributing to, and being in contact with, scholarly diversity and discussion. A scholar is not only a ‘learned person', but also ‘person who learns’...
Novelist:ISAA welcomes members with widely varying backgrounds – academics, professionals, and writers – anyone with an interest in independent scholarship.